A New BluBerrie Adventure Available Now!

Boy, it seems that this year has been one productive one for me

I can’t emphasize how crazy writing, promoting, and drawing can be when you’ve published four books: The CandyStore, The Pickled Man, The Golden Steed, and now, The Gallery!

By the time I get around to one phase of the work, I’ve forgotten the shortcuts on the different apps I use to get the job done. Just today, I had to upload one of my websites, and I couldn’t remember I changed my password a while back or how to add new images to the site.

Sales Could Be Better

I fear that ever since Amazon did away with its Give-Away program, my sales have tanked! I promoted heavily, giving away many free copies. I guess I have to start advertising more now. Although I do have some followings, it seems that’s not enough to improve sales. With my next book, The Weeping Past: A Forbidden Legacy, I plan on going after adult readers. For now, The BluBerrie Series will have to wait for its next book.

Branching Out in a New Direction

It looks like I’m definitely on my way with this new manuscript: The Weeping Past – A Forbidden Legacy. Dear readers, no worries, I plan to keep things tasteful, however, the subject matter and ideas in this coming novel, will be outside of my comfort zone. Way outside of my comfort zone! And thus, it doesn’t look like I’ll be finished until the later part of the first quarter of next year, trying to make sense of the plot and characters. So, things from me will dry until then…

One more thought on this subject: I did have some concerns that such a move might affect my readers — particularly, parents who buy my children’s books — I can only say, forgive me, I need to do more serious writing, at least for now. I promise once I get this “bug” out of my system, I have plans for another Young Adult novel: Into the Bowels of the Sea. I so much loved The Oldman and the Sea that I want to see what I can come up with this subject matter (apologies to Hemingway).


Got to go and work on, ahh… ahh… damn it! I forgot what I wanted to do next… šŸ˜‰

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Published by James O. Youngcliff

James O. Youngcliff is a childrenā€™s fiction writer who has published several exciting ā€œtelling storiesā€ for adolescents with his BluBerrie Series. In addition, heā€™s written several fantasy novels for the advanced young adult reader. His works, however, never fail to impart wisdom for those willing to take the time to go down the ā€œroad less traveled.ā€ So, prepare yourself for the strange, surreal, and twisted. Originally from New York City, he lives in Dade City, Florida and when not writing, he oil paints, and exhibits in art galleries throughout his home state. Currently, he is working on his fifth BluBerrie Chapter Book, BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden, publishing soon. Be sure to check BluBerrieBooks.com for more book details or visit his blog at JamesOYoungcliff.com. To purchase his books, go to Amazon.com at: https://www.amazon.com/James-O-Youngcliff/e/B07DR671HL?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_3&qid=1627826452&sr=8-3

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