In this tragic final days of this W.H. administration, Americans can and will prevail from this Covid-19-like-pandemic we are facing by voting out this President and his Republican Senate supporters. Americans need a vaccine to fix what ails us. And the November Election is just that vaccine!

I’ve taken that vaccine–I voted by mail; whatever your political views, you know in your heart that Americans cannot take another four years of abuse and sickness like the ones we have lived through in the past. Please join me in saying we believe in American values, decency, and our Constitution’s principles.

I know it’s hard taking medicine, but you must vote to start getting better. Millions have jumped on the road to healing…



BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden manuscript is finished and edited, so what’s the publishing holdup? The illustrations are not done, and I cannot get motivated, more like, inspired to finish. I’ve finished illustrating the cover (see below), and that’s it. I know. “Ouch!” Perhaps I’ll start next year. I’m hoping…

BluBerrie: The Botanical Gardens



I’m looking forward to writing another more serious work, it’s in my bones, I know it; once I find the right story, it will not drag. The energy is building up, and so is my desire to tell it–I don’t know what it is at this time. I need a little inspiration during these dark times to bring the story out. Perhaps I should start with a title? We’ll keep you posted…

Sorry for not writing more often; I didn’t feel I had much to say to my fans.


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Published by James O. Youngcliff

James O. Youngcliff is a children’s fiction writer who has published several exciting “telling stories” for adolescents with his BluBerrie Series. In addition, he’s written several fantasy novels for the advanced young adult reader. His works, however, never fail to impart wisdom for those willing to take the time to go down the “road less traveled.” So, prepare yourself for the strange, surreal, and twisted. Originally from New York City, he lives in Dade City, Florida and when not writing, he oil paints, and exhibits in art galleries throughout his home state. Currently, he is working on his fifth BluBerrie Chapter Book, BluBerrie: The Botanical Garden, publishing soon. Be sure to check for more book details or visit his blog at To purchase his books, go to at:

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