Well… I’m back in Florida
Great family Holiday vacation without much of the usual squabbles, except for one: the dogs caused a bit of a problem. Much to do with them this year: barking, feeding, and stepping in s**t, perhaps it would have been better if we all had left them in kennels back home, but let me not digress.
Over halfway done with my latest novel, The Weeping Past: A Forbidden Legacy, the wordcount is climbing (40K), with the four-letter words stacking the deck I’m afraid to say.
Also needing attention: The cover of the novel wasn’t right, so I’ve changed it around again. I’m not able to post it here since I’ve not secured the rights to the photos yet; however, with this last cover, I think I’m getting closers to the final version.
As far as the story goes, a few issues keep annoying the hell out of me. First, I find that my fantasy resembles, it seems of late, a currently streaming media series, so I find my novel lacking originality in many areas by comparison. Secondly, and most importantly, with this novel, I’m so far from my true calling (of writing children’s books), that the words and plot are not flowing with the same vitality.
I’m not having writer’s block, for just recently I was able to break out of a corner that did have me stumped. Forgive me for lack of details and if I sound like I’m whining, but it’s a strange feeling and it is not that I just question whether this novel is worth writing, but if my writing is worth the effort anymore?
I set out to write BluBerrie stories I told my children, and now my grandkids, throughout the years; and that was fun. Don’t get me wrong, I love writing as much as I do painting and illustrating, its that with the visual arts I was able to let my imagination roam free, with the writing not so much.
Struggling with structure and plot and originality weighs me down. My broad brush strokes with the keyboard is painful at best, and devistating to my self forfillment at worst. But no worries my fans, I’ll finish this novel if only for the sake of disipline and determination and you, my fans. And I promise to do better with the sequel to it. (That novel is also halfway finished but requiring major revisions.)
Year End Chores
Many before the grapes and cider come tonight, so I bid you all a fond New Years, and may life’s demands never bring your spirits down — whatever the percentage of alcohol they contain! 🙂